Juni 2015

Die Dinos sind los – LEGO® Jurassic World – Let’s Play

Die Dinos sind los! In LEGO® Jurassic World starten wir heute endlich mit unserem Abenteuer durch den Freizeitpark Jurassic World. Was werden für gefahren auf uns lauern? Schaut selbst 🙂

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LEGO® Jurassic World

Mit den epischen Geschichten von Jurassic Park, The Lost World: Jurassic Park und Jurassic Park III sowie dem mit Spannung erwarteten Jurassic World, ist LEGO® Jurassic World™ das erste Videospiel, in dem die Spieler alle vier Jurassic-Filme neu erleben und erfahren können. Das in der LEGO-Form neu erschaffene und mit TT Games’ unvergleichlichem LEGO-Humor erzählte Abenteuer lässt unvergessliche Szenen und Actionsequenzen der Filme auferstehen, führt die Fans spielerisch durch viele Schlüsselmomente und gibt ihnen die Gelegenheit, die ausschweifenden Gegenden von Isla Nublar und Isla Sorna zu erkunden.

► Spiel kaufen? http://store.steampowered.com/app/352400/

············································­········································­··· ‘Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)’

Fresh angezockt – Legends of Pixelia

Heute wird es pixelig! In Legends of Pixelia kämpfen wir uns durch die Level. Danke an SimaGames für das kostenlose Bereitstellen des Spiels.

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Legends of Pixelia

Legends of Pixelia is an action role-playing game that combines retro pixelart with modern gameplay mechanics. Tired of left-clicking through hordes of brainless one-hit-KO enemies? Random dungeons, precise controls via gamepad (or keyboard) and a strong fighting game AI provide challenging encounters. Be prepared!

► Spiel kaufen? http://store.steampowered.com/app/371530/

············································­········································­··· ‘Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)’

Fresh angezockt – Rescue 2: Everyday Heroes

Tatütata die Feuerwehr ist da! So oder so ähnlich heißt es heute in Rescue 2: Everyday Heroes. Danke an rondomedia für das kostenlose Bereitstellen des Spiels.

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Rescue 2: Everyday Heroes

Diese Frage aller Fragen musst du dir als Feuerwehrmann jeden Tag stellen. Übernimm die volle Kontrolle über alle Aspekte der spannenden Rettungseinsätze!

Bist du bereit, die Einsatzleitung für eine ganze Stadt zu übernehmen? Erlebe deine Stadt aus den Augen der Lebensretter und finde heraus, was es heißt, ein wahrer “Held des Alltages“ zu sein! Behalte zudem mehrere Feuerwachen, eine Vielzahl an Fahrzeugen, umfangreiche Ausrüstung und spezialisierte Mitarbeiter im Auge, um optimal vorbereitet zu sein. Du bist die erste Verteidigungslinie der Stadt im Kampf gegen die Flammen!

► Spiel kaufen? http://store.steampowered.com/app/339210/

············································­········································­··· ‘Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)’

Fresh angezockt – Dungeon Crawlers HD

Heute erforschen wir in Dungeon Crawlers HD einen Dungeon und kämpfen uns da durch. Danke an Drowning Monkeys Games für das kostenlose Bereitstellen des Spiels.

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Dungeon Crawlers HD

Dungeon Crawlers is a game designed to explore the fun and funny concept of what „Ghostbusters“ might’ve looked like if it were set in a dungeon. It’s a turn-based strategy game that is easily accessible. Don’t expect to dive too deep into statistics and weapons types here. The interface is highly streamlined. This game is all about launching and playing, but still being demanding and challenging to even the most seasoned of turn-based vets.

► Spiel kaufen? http://store.steampowered.com/app/355100/

············································­········································­··· ‘Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)’

Fresh angezockt Wimp: Who stole my pants?

Heute geht es darum wer unsere Unterhosen geklaut hat. In Wimp: Who stole my pants? suchen wir die Unterhosendiebe. Danke an FlexileStudio für das kostenlose Bereitstellen des Spiels.

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Wimp: Who stole my pants?

Meet Wimp – a cute little blob!
Wimp sees wonderful dreams… dreams full of adventure.

In his dreams life has been quiet and peaceful, but in a sad twist of the story, Wimp’s pants have been stolen!
This is where the journey begins. Travel across unique and amazing worlds chasing the thief. Every level is packed to the brim with fun, challenges and new game mechanics. The detailed environments, tricky puzzles and Wimp himself will do their best to keep you from getting bored of the game. And we can guarantee that we will continue to strive for the highest level of polish possible – it has been one of our main goals since the first day of our development process.

Join this enthralling story and travel through astounding worlds helping Wimp to catch the despicable panty pilferer!

As every good puzzle-platformer, Wimp offers you tons of challenging puzzles, different character mechanics including air-control, wall-jumps, double jumps, sticking to surfaces, teleportation and much, much more (not all available at once though, that would be too easy!).

► Spiel kaufen? http://store.steampowered.com/app/331570/

············································­········································­··· ‘Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)’

Fresh angezockt – Trackday Manager

Heute managen wir in Trackday Manager ein eigenes Rennteam. Danke an Arctic Hazard für das kostenlose Bereitstellen des Spiels.

► Willst du auch fresh sein? http://goo.gl/wVhvSW


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Trackday Manager

Trackday Manager allows you to take control and own your own racecar team, competing in the Streetcar division. Your team consists of one driver and a full crew to help you out.

Trackday Manager lets you control your team economy, develop your crew, sign sponsors, buy cars, upgrade cars, customize patterns and colors and place sponsors, among other things. But the main focus of the game is on the Trackday, when you take your car and team to the racetrack to compete against other players. When racing you DO NOT control your car as in normal driving games, but as a team chief you issue orders to your driver.

► Spiel kaufen? http://store.steampowered.com/app/348030/

············································­········································­··· ‘Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)’

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