Fresh angezockt – The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III

Heute begeben wir uns auf ein Abenteuer von Van Helsing. In The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III erfüllen wir Quests, töten Gegner und looten was das Zeug hält. Danke an NeocoreGames für das kostenlose Bereitstellen des Spiels.

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The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III

In Van Helsing III, the civil war is over in Borgovia, but the future looks grim. The city of weird science is in ruins, squabbling factions and criminals fight for power and a strange cult prophesizes the coming of “The end of times.” And they might be just right: A wave of uncanny events shakes the land, and it’s all connected to a mysterious creature, a former ally turned into a fearful arch-villain. Which means that Van Helsing will do what he does best: He wields weapons, prepares his deadly tricks, and hunts down the most dangerous monster who has ever lived… and this time it’s personal. He’s prepared to do anything to achieve his goal, even to face the darkest secret about the birth of the modern Borgovia.

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